2. Drag the center circle to the "Apply theme" circle on top

*** How to use our custom font ***
1. Go to Settings > General Settings > Keyboard font
2. Select "TouchPal font"

Your ratings and comments are appreciated.

We included the free font UnifrakturCook Bold by j. 'mach' wust, http://unifraktur.sourceforge.net/cook.html.

Goblin Keypad Art

Goblin Keypad Art v5.2 APK (Sınırsız Para)

İndirmek (3.96 MB)

Goblin Keypad Art Mod App Detaylar

Thank you for your interest in the Goblin Emoji theme for TouchPal created by FreshLight.

Just inches tall.
A goblin is a legendary evil or mischievous grotesque creature. That being said, we find that the goblin that infiltrated into our TouchPal theme is really quite cute.
The only problem is that he is very needy and wants everyone to have this theme on their keyboard.
His magical power consists of being really persuasive so we know you will download his beloved theme.

*** How to Apply this TouchPal theme ***
1. Open "Goblin Emoji TouchPal" after installation
2. Drag the center circle to the "Apply theme" circle on top

*** How to use our custom font ***
1. Go to Settings > General Settings > Keyboard font
2. Select "TouchPal font"

Your ratings and comments are appreciated.

We included the free font UnifrakturCook Bold by j. 'mach' wust, http://unifraktur.sourceforge.net/cook.html.

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Neon Keyboards

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